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Applications close 31/12/2023

*Required fields

Frequently asked questions

Where do I need to live in order to participate?

For the moment, we will be accepting applications from the following regions:

Australia. New Zealand. Great Britain and Ireland. The United States.

What is the deadline for applying?

Applications, including videos, must be submitted no later than 31/12/23. Please note that Dyson reserves the right to close entry for submissions early. 

How will I know if I am successful?

All participants will be contacted via email about the results of their application within approximately two weeks of the submission deadline closing.

Can I keep the headphones after the project?

Yes. By fully participating in your role as a Dyson Field Tester, the pair of Dyson Zone™ noise-cancelling headphones you are given can be yours to keep.

What kinds of content will I be asked to create?

Keeping content unique will be a big part of what our Dyson Field Testers do. We want you to experience and test our technology, but in the field that you are most familiar with. So, although you will be challenged thematically, the work you produce will be up to you and can showcase your personal interests.